Summer 2014

Wow, It was high energy and hope-filled!
We grew in faith, learned about one another and ourselves as we grew as one community in Christ! Thanks to the Young Neighbors in Action, Betsy, Tracy, Bill. Sr. Susan and all the donors and parish volunteers.
Our Lady of Hope has begun to redevelop the Faith Formation Programs for 2012-2013
The members of Our Lady of Hope include newly arrived families from Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Malaysia, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Zimbabwe, Eritrea, Sudan etc. This diversity is an amazing blessing and challenge at the same time. Thus far we have registered close to 80 children from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Many of these young people who are already teens have not celebrated any sacraments beyond Baptism because of the instability of their situations as refugees and growing up in distressed societies. There are also youth ready to begin the RCIA process.
We are presently building a new program from the bottom up! Presently there are three sessions for teens on Tuesday evenings with 2 seminarians from Christ the King Seminary and a parishioner serving as catechists. The process for every level will be based on that of the Catechumenate. Everyone will participate through reading/hearing and sharing through various activities, the Sunday Gospel. This is the integral part of each weekly session. This involves understanding the meaning of words, integrating the meaning in terms of faith and connecting what is heard with how life is lived.
There is an element each week that addresses an aspect of Catholic doctrine as part of the lesson. As we move forward, a critical challenge is recruiting catechists who speak both English and some of the languages spoken in the places our youth come from. Connecting parents and children to various parish learning opportunities is a challenge.
Special events are scheduled for Families :
December 2, 2012 after the 11:00 am Mass with lunch & Advent activity
March 10, 2013 after the 11:00 am Mass with lunch & Preparation for Holy Week
Preparing for Sacraments of Eucharist, Confirmation & Reconciliation:
Sacramental preparation will occur in language groups at times as well as in English. Sessions will take place on Saturday, Tuesday evenings and Sunday. Specific arrangements are still being determined.